Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How do the changes in language affect us today?

Seeing how language has changed over time, we can see the positive and negative slants of it in the present-day Philippines. Economic wise, with our very good command of English as a second language, this has led to outsourcing. However, socially, it has been more of a negative change. Certain issues here could be colonial mentality and symbolic domination. Furthermore, these changes in our language have led to a generation gap. All of this is further explained in the video.

Click to enlarge Our Love of Foreign Things

Socially, because of all of the changes, there has been confusion regarding Filipinos knowing who we are as a people. To have a sense of cultural identity means to have a unique language, which is distinctly Filipino. Reason for this is that language has not necessarily only been an influence to how we think, but how we communicate as a people and how our language is a means to transport and propagate the values that we espouse. The very language that we utilize can solidify or blur how we view ourselves as a nation. By having our own language, we can value it, use it and understand it; thus, giving ourselves a sense of identity and unity with others. It is what bind us to other Filipinos. Due to this, this is why it is hard to define who a Filipino is since the Philippine language is mixed up. When we have a language to call our own, one that is given importance, means to have a heritage that is truly Filipino.

Repercussions in the Present Day

Interview: Tonyo Silva

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